This novel is based around the central character Kathryn Dance, an investigator with the California Bureau of Investigation. Dance is the lead cop handling the escape of psychopathic killer Daniel Pell, dubbed "Son of Manson" by the press for his "family" of young runaways and his most horrendous crime, the murders of computer engineer William Croyton, Croyton's wife and two of their three children. The only child left alive, nine-year-old Theresa, is known as the Sleeping Doll. Pell, charismatic and diabolically intelligent, continually eludes capture, but Dance, a specialist in interrogation and kinesics (or body language), is never more than a few suspenseful minutes behind.
Despite other reviews saying the book is too predictable and 'sags' in the storyline, I was hooked and got carried away with the twists and suspensful story. And true to his reputation (although admittedly this is the first book of Deaver's I have actually read), the twists keep coming right to the very end.
The characters are nicely detailed and while the story sounds quite gruesome, Deaver definitely insinuates violence but never goes in to too much uncomfortable detail.
I would definitely recommend this book if you are in the mood for an action packed crime thriller.
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