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A self confessed bookworm. I needed a place to debrief after reading, so here it is!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Thanks for the Memories - Cecelia Ahern

Joyce Conway remembers things she shouldn’t. She knows about tiny cobbled streets in Paris, which she has never visited. And every night she dreams about an unknown little girl with blonde hair.
Justin Hitchcock is divorced, lonely and restless. He arrives in Dublin to give a lecture on art and meets an attractive doctor, who persuades him to donate blood. It’s the first thing to come straight from his heart in a long time.
When Joyce leaves hospital after a terrible accident, with her life and her marriage in pieces, she moves back in with her elderly father. All the while, a strong sense of déjà vu is overwhelming her and she can’t figure out why…

I was a bit wary when I picked up this book upon seeing that it was by Cecelia Ahern, the same writer who wrote P.S I love you. I thought it might be too ‘mushy’ and over-the-top lovey-dovey like P.S I love you (although having said that about it, I do enjoy watching the movie in the right situation, I just don’t have the tolerance to read something like that!)

But I was pleasantly surprised. While I don’t think it wins the title of the best chick-lit book I have ever read, it definitely kept me interested enough to turn the pages, and even enjoy the predictably romantic ending.
The characters were unique, although a little monotonous at times, but I enjoyed watching them grow over throughout the book.

On a serious note, this book highlights the importance of blood donations. If you want to be a real hero and give blood (we don’t guarantee baskets of muffins and personal chauffeurs though!) contact the Red Cross Blood Service in your area!

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