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A self confessed bookworm. I needed a place to debrief after reading, so here it is!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Hidden - Paul Jaskunas

In a rural Indiana farmhouse, Maggie Duke is living with the aftermath of a late-night assault that shattered her health, her peace of mind, and her marriage. Narrating in Maggie's somber, poetic voice, Jaskunas fills in the details slowly: Maggie is young, the match was ill-considered. Her husband, Nate Duke, was abusive. Maggie identified Nate as the man who came to the door with a rock in his hand. Nate was freed from prison after another man confessed to the crime, making Maggie doubt everything she believed. 
I found this book very slow moving and it just kept following the same patterns again and again, with no new revelations to make it interesting.
The characters were annoying to say the least - The husband was abusive and arrogant and Maggie came across as pathetic and weak. I found it irritating to read about their lives, especially once I realised  it wasn't even going to have a great ending to wrap it all up.
I wouldn't recommend reading this book, unless you're in the mood for a little self-pity.

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