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A self confessed bookworm. I needed a place to debrief after reading, so here it is!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Water for elephants - Sara Gruen

Stripped of everything after his parents' untimely death, twenty-three-year old Jacob Jankowski has failed to sit for his veterinary exams at Cornell, left with no home and no future, the country struggling through the Great Depression. Hopping a train that by chance belongs to The Flying Squadron of the Benzini Brothers Most Spectacular Show on Earth, Jacob is hired on to care for the menagerie.

The story is related in the somber tones of the Depression, the hardscrabble and often unscrupulous business of a traveling circus and the heartless despots who make their fortunes on the backs of men who must do anything to survive. With his advanced training in veterinary medicine, Jacob does his best to protect the animals from their harsh existence, especially Rosie, an elephant purchased to replace star performer Marlena's lead horse. Jacob and Rosie share an affinity for one another, the huge creature at times almost human.

This novel had everything I look for in a great summer read - strong storyline featuring revenge, love, humour, twists, and there definitely isn't a shortage of colourful characters.

This book definitely goes in the pile that I will be able to read over and over again.

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