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A self confessed bookworm. I needed a place to debrief after reading, so here it is!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Shantaram - Gregory Roberts David

"Shantaram" is a novel based on the life of the author, Gregory David Roberts. In July 1980 he escaped from Victoria's maximum-security prison in broad daylight, thereby becoming one of Australia's most wanted men for what turned out to be the next ten years. For most of this period, after an interlude in New Zealand, he lived in Bombay. He set up a free health clinic in the slums, acted in Bollywood movies, worked for the Bombay mafia as a forger, counterfeiter, and smuggler and, as a gunrunner, resupplied a unit of mujaheddin guerrilla fighters in Afghanistan. This is the setting of "Shantaram". It is a compelling tale of a hunted man who had lost everything - his home, his family, and his soul - and came to find his humanity while living at the wildest edge of experience.

This book is a whopping 900+ page autobiographical saga, but don't let that deter you as it was one of the most enjoyable and fast-paced 900 pages I have ever read.
One of the things I loved most about this book is that it gave such an insight in to a side of India that I will probably never see personally, and to be honest, one I never really ever thought I wanted to see. It shows the extremes of the city from the unwavering love and loyalty of the Indian people, to the depth of the corruption and power that ultimately runs the city, as well as showing what life in the slum would be like compared to the rich who live there. If I ever did go to India one day I would be going with my eyes slightly more open to my surroundings than they were previously. 

The characters were complex and vivid and even the most despicable characters displayed some endearing quality. There were some pretty gruesome parts to this story (at some sections I actually covered by eyes and felt like screaming out!) but for most of the book the characters were smart and lyrical and I enjoyed reading their witty dialogue. Towards the end of the book when the new mafia was coming in to rule, I found the new characters not as agreeable, so am glad he ended the book where he did. Apparently there is a sequel coming but I would hesitate to read it as I had such a good experience with the first book, I would hate for the second one to not live up to the standard and ruin it for me.

I was a little thrown with the trip to Afghanistan but also enjoyed reading about another culture that is so foreign to me. 

It was a long read but one I definitely recommend - definitely the most confronting yet amazing book I have ever read and I would be lucky to find another book I enjoyed as much as this in the next 5-10 years. 

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