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A self confessed bookworm. I needed a place to debrief after reading, so here it is!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The Forgotten (The Barronlands Trilogy #2) - Claudia Carozza

Hazel's job at the Antioch didn't work out at all like she had planned. After a daring escape and one very risky delivery of the first baby born in years, she's still holding on to the hope of a better future. Out of the Antioch and on the run, who can Hazel turn to for help and can they really be trusted? In the second book of the Barronlands Trilogy, relationships are tested and even more secrets are revealed. Hazel tries to put the pieces together, hoping everything doesn't fall apart. Will she be able to hold it all together or will there be those who slip through the cracks?

As the second book of the Barronlands Trilogy, The Forgotten picked up right where it left off and continued on the whirlwind journey of Hazel and co.

As with the first book there was so much going on that I was feverishly reading to keep up with it and quickly find out what was going to happen next, but this time I found myself getting a little frustrated with Hazel and her little tantrums she threw. Maybe I needed to remind myself when reading this that she is supposed to be a young girl, or maybe I am just a bit older than the intended reader? 

If you liked the first one book of the series then you will love the second instalment. I hope I don't have to wait to long for the third book.

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