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A self confessed bookworm. I needed a place to debrief after reading, so here it is!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The Girl You Left Behind by Jojo Moyes

“Sometimes life is a series of obstacles, a matter of putting one foot in front of the other. Sometimes, she realizes suddenly, it is simply a matter of blind faith.” 

In 1916 French artist Edouard Lefevre leaves his wife Sophie to fight at the Front. When her town falls into German hands, his portrait of Sophie stirs the heart of the local Kommandant and causes her to risk everything - her family, reputation and life - in the hope of seeing her true love one last time.

Nearly a century later and Sophie's portrait is given to Liv by her young husband shortly before his sudden death. Its beauty speaks of their short life together, but when the painting's dark and passion-torn history is revealed, Liv discovers that the first spark of love she has felt since she lost him is threatened...

In The Girl You Left Behind two young women, separated by a century, are united in their determination to fight for the thing they love most - whatever the cost.

This is the second book I have read by Jojo Moyes and she is fast becomming one of my favourite authors - I will definitely be tracking down more too!

 The characters were vivid, real and loveable, and their stories were mesmerising - I usually find it hard to read war stories but i devoured this one. I kept moving at a fast enough pace and while at parts it was graphic, I didn't find it too overwhelming.

This story shows that true love conquers all and can overcome all barriers in the end - a perfect love story.

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