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A self confessed bookworm. I needed a place to debrief after reading, so here it is!

Monday, March 19, 2012

The Dress - Sophie Nicholls

Meet Ella and her mother Fabbia Moreno who arrive in York, one cold January day, to set up their vintage dress shop. 

The flamboyant Fabbia wants to sell beautiful dresses to nice people and move on from her difficult past. Ella just wants to fit in. But not everyone is on their side. 

Will Fabbia overcome the prejudices she encounters? What's the dark secret she's hiding? And do the silk linings and concealed seams of her dresses contain real spells or is this all just 'everyday magic'? 

Among the leopard-print shoes, tea-gowns and costume jewellery in Fabbia's shop are many different stories - and the story of one particular dress. 

I bough this book for 99c on the kindle store and it was the perfect book to read while on holidays.
If i had been reading it in my normal everyday life I would have like to see it go a bit more in depth in to their stories, but for a holiday it was easy to read.

I really enjoyed the stories from the "Old Country" and thought they were woven in well throughout the story and used to help the writer make her point.

The only slight criticism I would provide would be that it didn't read like it was set in 2010, at least my school life wasn't like that, although perhaps schools in England are different to Australia.

Overall it was a nice, easy, book that I would happily recommend for a light-hearted, quick read.

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